
Business, Special Economic Zones in Poland

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The slight increase in the banking boom
2012-09-10 11:25

  Indicator of Pengab banking boom went up by 0.6 points to 23.2 points in June– information was claimed by the Polish Bank Association and TNS Poland.
The cumulative index of ratings went up by 4.7 points to 21.1 points but the rate forecasts fell by 3.6 points to 25.2 points.
Improving the economic situation was observed in less than a third of bank branches. In relation to the May projections in this area deteriorated.
Indicator of economic climate (WOKKB) decreased by 5.2 points in comparison to May and now stands at 24.1 points, the indicator had dropped only in banks with majority of foreign capital. The largest increase was recorded by co-operative banks (by 4.7 points).

 In June the market for zloty deposits recorded strong growth in evaluating the current situation as well as slight increase or stabilization of the forecasts. The largest increase was recorded in the area of PLN-denominated deposits a vista.
The situation in the market zloty loans slightly worsened. Forecasts for this area also indicate a deterioration in next few months.

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